Most problems on the Obii app can be solved by trying a few quick things. It's a good idea to follow these simple troubleshooting steps before investigating any further.

  1.  Close the app fully and reopen it. Make sure that you are not just minimizing it. Restarting the app tends to fix most issues! 
  2.  Confirm that your internet connection is working. Obii content is loaded from the internet every time you open a challenge, so you need to be connected to reliable Wi-Fi or wireless data in order to access a challenge.
  3.  Delete Obii and reinstall it. Obii is free to install and your account will not be affected. In fact, you can access your Obii content from as many compatible devices as you wish!

If these steps don't resolve your issue and you don't see your problem in any of our other articles, then please take a screenshot of your issue and open New Support Ticket so we can take care of you!