Looking to cancel your subscription? You can do it in Obii app, in a few steps.

  1. First, navigate to your user profile by tapping your avatar in the top left corner of the screen. 
  2. Next, find 'Update info' button next to your program. Go ahead and press it!

  3. You will see two options: 'Modify my profile' and 'Subscription Details'. 
    'Subscription Details' is the one you need!

  4. Once you open Subscription Details, just tap 'Unsubscribe' button. It will change to 'Resume'. That's it, you unsubscribed!
    Once you unsubscribe, you keep access to the program until the end of your billing period. 
  5. Until the end of your billing period, you can re-subscribe by tapping 'Resume' if you change your mind.