1. First, confirm that you are seeing this login page:

If you are seeing the page with jellyfish, tap "I'M BACK" to reach the login screen

If you are seeing any other page, tap the back arrow in the top left corner

2. If you see the error message "Wrong email/password combination" below the password field

  • Confirm that you are using the same email address you used to sign up for the challenge
  • Make sure you didn't make a typo in your password
  • Tap "I forgot my password" and then enter your email address to begin the password reset process

3. If you see the error message "Response with status: 0 for URL: null" below the password field, this means your device is unable to reach our server. Please confirm that you are connected to the internet and, if the problem persists, open a support ticket so we can follow up with you. In the meantime, you can log in to your account on another phone or tablet if you have one :)